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Explore the control of abnormity in mixing process

Release date:2024-08-26

The abnormal control of rubber mixing process is the key link to ensure the quality of rubber products. This paper only introduces the mixing process and control from the aspect of production control.

Common rubber mixing process abnormalities are:

1. The glue is burnt

Burning of rubber material is a common phenomenon in the process of rubber processing. In the process of rubber processing, in the high temperature environment, the parking time is too long, which leads to the early vulcanization of rubber, and the light will affect the process operation of molding, and the serious scorch will lead to the direct scrap of rubber material.

2 Poor dispersion

The performance is that the various compounding agents in rubber (such as fillers, vulcanizing agents and accelerators, etc.) are not evenly distributed in the rubber matrix, and poor rubber dispersion may bring a series of adverse effects, such as reducing the physical properties of rubber products, resulting in defects, bubbles or spots on the surface of rubber products, affecting the appearance quality.

3 Foreign body mixing

Foreign matter may be mixed into rubber from several sources. In the production process, it may be the impurities carried by the raw material itself, or the debris generated by the wear and tear of the production equipment. During storage and transportation, dust, particles, etc. in the environment may also enter the rubber.

As for some other rubber mixing abnormalities may be related to the inherent characteristics of the formula, it is not the scope of this article and will not be elaborated.

The abnormal control of the rubber mixing process, whether it is hardware or software, is constantly moving forward.

In terms of hardware, as early as 2021, the open mixer has been upgraded, and a new automatic small material dosing machine has been introduced, and the small material matching has been improved from manual semi-automatic operation to fully automatic operation, whether it is efficiency, accuracy and accuracy, it has been greatly improved, and the abnormal hidden dangers in dosing have been greatly reduced.


In terms of mixing machines, two new 55L Weixiang mixing machines will be introduced, and the new equipment will be officially put into use around April next year. At that time, the hardware will be completely improved, laying a solid foundation for making high-quality products.


In terms of software, to improve the skills of employees, it is mainly to conduct various forms of training for employees, use the skills matrix diagram of employees, understand the skills of employees, and make corresponding training plans. Not only should the staff be able to master the rubber mixing process and equipment operation, but also have the ability to deal with sudden abnormalities. Keep human anomalies to a minimum.


For the control of mixing process, we use the Linger automatic mixing and error prevention system, which can not only prevent mixing feeding errors, but also monitor the mixing process in real time and record it permanently, which is convenient for later query. The mixing process is effectively guaranteed.


In terms of equipment security, a series of work such as equipment spot inspection, equipment inspection and equipment maintenance are carried out to ensure that the equipment is in a good stable and running state.

In terms of quality control, a strict quality inspection system has been established, and inspection plans are formulated every day according to production tasks. Each batch has vulcanization quick inspection to ensure that qualified products flow to the next process.


In addition, we have identified and formulated the "rubber mill protection Procedures" for each station, so that we can control the rubber mixing process from hardware to software.

The equipment is constantly upgraded and in good running condition, and under strict process control, the rubber mixing production can be kept in a stable state, which can effectively prevent the occurrence of scorch and poor dispersion of the rubber material. Station protection procedures can also effectively prevent the occurrence of foreign body mixing. On the way to explore the abnormal occurrence of the rubber refining process, we also carried out statistics and analysis of the anomalies that have occurred through the "Abnormal Statistical Ledger of the rubber Refining Process" to find out the real causes of their occurrence, and thoroughly solve them, and finally implement them in the file update.

Not afraid of abnormal occurrence, afraid of the occurrence of no countermeasures, exploring the control of the abnormal rubber mixing process, we have been on the road.

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