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What have we been doing all these years?

Release date:2024-07-19

From the perspective of profit and cost orientation, the manufacturing industry can be divided into two categories: one is the leading technology enterprises such as Apple and Samsung, and the other is the highly homogeneous enterprises such as Toyota and Volkswagen. The core competitiveness of the leading enterprises in science and technology is to ensure the monopoly of technology, who leads for a long time, who has the pricing power, so as to ensure the profits of enterprises; And the homogenization of serious enterprises, its core competitiveness is undoubtedly cost management, whose cost is low, who will live well, which also ensures the profitability of enterprises. There is no doubt that we do not have any special technical content of the enterprise, must be a serious homogenization of the enterprise, reduce operating costs, improve the management content is our main way out.

To reduce the operating costs of enterprises, everyone is learning Toyota's TPS - Toyota production mode. Frankly speaking, in China's private enterprises, I have not seen many successful implementation of TPS: training institutions in the name of Toyota demagogies people, thinking that if you are familiar with 300 Tang poems, you will not be able to write poems; The trained factory holds Toyota's management secrets, and thinks it can rule the world with half the Analects. But the fact is, after several twists and turns, all the passion at that time turned into a mirror in the moon, flowers in the water, are anticlimactic, and nothing happened, some up to three days of fishing and two days of drying nets, guests came, take a FIG leaf show.


The reason why TPS cannot be effectively implemented is the lack of one of the most basic necessary conditions - cultural soil. Soil is formed in a complex and lengthy process of a variety of natural factors and biological activities, which is why Huai South is orange and Huainorth is orange. Enterprises need to have TPS soil, it takes years of accumulation, never overnight, easy to obtain. The reason why Toyota formed TPS is not a day's work. Based on the above points, we began a long cultivation.

1 Enterprise public number

Since 2015, we have opened a corporate public account. The public number of many companies is the external publicity tool of the enterprise, but we think that the corporate public number should be the blackboard newspaper of the enterprise, it should be both external and internal, it should be a hundred flowers bloom, a hundred schools of thought, it should be the Shouting place of the enterprise staff, the voice of the heart. Therefore, from the very beginning, we have shaped our public account in this direction. We are not afraid of the author's cultural foundation, not afraid of the author's vision and perception of different, just ask everyone to improve in the participation, participation in the improvement. For so many years, every two weeks, the content covers all aspects, I believe that the company's public number will become a part of the corporate culture.


2 Disc motion

The essence of the Toyota TPS is to eliminate waste. The waste of enterprises is everywhere, and the waste of the canteen is the same as the waste on the Chinese dinner table, which is shocking. The leftovers not only occur in the swill bucket, but also in the canteen serving dishes before they reach the dinner plate. Since 2017, we have launched a CD-ROM campaign for our canteens. First of all, it is required to start from the meal report, purchase and purchase according to the number of meals reported and the quota of work meal recipes, and eliminate the procurement waste of food materials. Secondly, all employees are required to CD-ROM each meal, cadres supervise the group leader, the group leader supervises the grass-roots staff, and the general affairs department even carries out weight management on the total amount of swill per meal. In addition, in the propaganda effort, all the cadres each meal one by one, the dinner plate photos uploaded to the company group after eating, plus a self-composed CD-ROM campaign slogan. After continuous repetition, publicity and supervision, the phenomenon of leftovers has been completely reversed and waste in the canteen has been eliminated. The elimination of canteen waste is only the prelude to the elimination of seven wastes in production, and the elimination of business waste is a long way to go.




4 Sweep once a week

Good management, not only to distinguish the responsibility of the post boundary, but also to promote the division of labor, in their own heart, when others need help, to provide their own help. Since 2017, we have carried out a weekly sweeping activity. We have divided the areas that need to be cleaned into four categories: the responsibility area of the General Affairs Department, the department's contract area, the weekly sweeping area and the outsourcing service area. The weekly sweeping area is taken by each department every weekend, mainly to eliminate the sanitary dead corners of the glass Windows. The cleaning time of a week has increased from three hours to four hours each time, and the attendance time has also transited from the initial time off to the current voluntary labor, because this is more in line with the business philosophy of the company and employees.


5. Cultivate systematic thinking

The company's training, both induction training, and on-the-job training, but the most important is on-the-job training. Professional knowledge and general education of employees need to be acquired through on-the-job training. Because everyone's cognition is different and everyone attaches different importance to training, many employees are unable to realize the necessity and importance of establishing systematic thinking, so they are indifferent to the training that is not directly related to their position and show numbness. For example: the business does not care about what is the marginal contribution, gross profit and net profit, only care about whether to get orders; Production scheduling does not care about the amount of idle inventory, only about whether the production task is scheduled. Finance only cares about the compliance of all kinds of data, they think that to achieve consistent accounts, accounts receivable are perfect is the quality of work, but never care about accounts receivable so much in the end is reasonable... In response to this situation, inspired by the civil service's patriotic learning activities, we launched a brush management, mandatory staff to accept training content, and gradually establish systematic thinking: After each training, trainees have to go through the electronic exam, all the questions must be done correctly to pass, if they do wrong, in addition to correction, they have to accept the B-paper exam, and brush the questions again until they pass. It is believed that with the improvement of this management and the gradual development of employees' systematic thinking, employees' autonomous management ability will become stronger and stronger, and they will gradually treat themselves as an operator to work.


6 Liability boundaries for internal anomalies

The exception management of manufacturing industry is to solve the process anomaly of product quality, and the customer's complaint is an extension of the process anomaly. From the dimension of responsibility posts, we divide process anomalies into 16 categories of design responsibility, manufacturing responsibility and inspection responsibility, which we call 16 baskets. After the occurrence of an anomaly, according to the ascribed responsibility, the anomaly is thrown into the basket, and the responsible person is responsible for solving it, entering the management channel of correction, prevention and recurrence prevention. In this way, the boundary problem of responsibility has been solved, and the problem of wrangling and buck-passing has been greatly reduced.


7 Two trapped one proposal

Years of business activities, we found that employees' communication awareness and communication ability is one of the obstacles to enterprise development, many employees have no communication willingness and communication awareness, let alone communication ability and communication methods. They don't understand the business, they don't understand the policy, and they often work with a belly full of confusion. In addition, when many people encounter difficulties such as insufficient resources, too heavy work tasks, and too urgent time to complete, they only know to lower their heads and move forward, and do not know to raise their hands for help, which often has a negative impact on the results. Two years ago, we launched the "Two difficulties, one proposal" campaign, requiring lower-level employees to raise their puzzles and difficulties in work to their superiors after work every day, and have the courage to propose good ideas. Although some individual employees have not been able to think positively, the promotion effect is still repeated, but in general, it has become a trend. In addition, we also advocate that employees do not work with grievances, superiors criticize the wrong, they have to put forward, the superior to correct. How to do good work when you're in a bad mood?


8 Manage the written output of short boards

Management shortcomings include both small pain points (such as the verification of the rationality of employees' leave) and systematic deficiencies (such as how to convert customer training into corporate knowledge), which occur everywhere and all the time. Management shortcomings are sometimes the complaints of employees, sometimes the complaints of customers, sometimes found in the internal audit of the system and work supervision, and sometimes only realized after the occurrence of management accidents. After the management shortcomings occurred, we have been asking ourselves three questions for a long time: Are there any regulations? Are the rules reasonable? Are the rules being enforced? There are no rules to make rules, the rules are unreasonable to change the rules, and the rules are not enforced, and the employees are kicked in the ass. Over the next few years, the brain nerves of employees were repeatedly stimulated by nine words - adequacy, suitability and conformity, and the short board of management was punched into a patch, and managers became the paperhangers of enterprises.


9 Weekly business activities briefing

Every employee of the company should know the operation of the company, so that employees can treat themselves as operators, and truly realize the co-existence and co-prosperity of enterprises and employees. As the general manager of the high school where my daughter is studying, I receive an email from the principal to the parents of the students every weekend, informing them of the school's experiences and important events during the week. Starting from November 2022, I will summarize the business situation of the week to all the employees of the company every weekend, and point out the disadvantages and criticize the problems. It covers a total of 11 departments, including the general office, marketing module, operation module and administrative module, to ensure the smooth operation of the company and the clarification of values.


Nothing is difficult to a willing heart. These wasted years, the staff to a batch of batch, failure followed by one after another. But the big waves, time flowing gold, we mediocre people, since there is no talent Jobs and Musk, it is only in their own vision and ability to reach the scope of the mountain do not relax.


A long way knows a horse's power, a long time sees a man's heart. Give it all to time.

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