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Discussion on process-oriented document management

Release date:2024-06-21

The enterprise is running all the time, and all kinds of abnormal situations are happening all the time: yesterday, a department manager suddenly proposed to quit, the handover was messed up, the work was not well continued, and there were great hidden dangers; Today, I received a lot of contracts from customers. Only the handler knew how to file the contracts and where to put them. No one else knew and could not look them up. Tomorrow, a new engineer wrote a work guide. I don't know who to ask for review and approval. I ask for...... These fragmented problems, for decades, hundreds of years of foreign companies, may not be a very challenging thing, because their processes through the continuous improvement of generations of professional managers, can calmly cope with, but for a not long established, the system is not perfect enterprise, deal with a myriad of problems, if the manager headache, foot pain, Can not systematically consider the countermeasures, can not solve the problem in a package, can not form a system guarantee, then support the company's operation is still the personal ability, experience and responsibility of employees, for the enterprise, the potential risk is great.


In recent years, we have been promoting the management concept of process orientation and integrating various management elements into the process and have carried out beneficial exploration. Before we discuss, let's clarify some basic definitions:

1 What is a process?

The operation of an enterprise is a combination of various processes. Sales staff visit customers, belongs to the market development process; The production department manufactures products, which are part of the production and delivery process; The canteen provides meals to employees, which belongs to the general management process. Everything that happens in a business must be part of a process.

2 What are the elements of management?

To manage a process, you need to define the purpose, scope, responsibilities, corporate terminology, processes, forms, training materials, and authorization, which are called elements. Elements must be integrated into the process for management to be systematic. Elements are like a handful of keys, the process is a key ring, lift the key ring, all the keys to be taken up, can not be scattered on the ground.

At this point, I would also like to introduce our internal term - five tables.

3 What is Five tables?

Five tables refer to five types of forms, including worksheets, records, statistical tables, analytical tables, and ledgers. All business activities can be developed and expressed in these five basic forms. Those that can not be included in the five tables and have no commonality to follow can only be classified into another management element "annex". For example:

A Salesperson's customer visit plan is a worksheet;

B The quotation of the sales staff is a record form;

C Sales staff performance is a statistical table;

D Review of the reasons for order loss of sales personnel is an analysis table;

E A salesperson's customer list is a ledger.

Each of these five forms is an element of the market development process and is an integral part of that process.

How can the management concept that is process-oriented and integrates various management elements into the process be converted into specific methods to solve practical problems? Let's take a common customer complaint as an example.

When dealing with customer complaints, we often encounter related businesses such as: Submitting customer complaint reports to customers, disagreement and payment of fees arising from quality contract negotiations, statistics and analysis of customer complaints and output countermeasures, compiling teaching materials on how to prepare 8D reports, etc. These independent management points are easy to exist only as personal experience, which is often difficult to share with other positions or departments, and knowledge accumulation of enterprises is often ignored. What if lessons that help employees grow can also help businesses grow? We have done the following:

First of all, it should be clear that customer complaints belong to the process of customer complaints, and there should be a secondary document "Customer Complaints Management Procedure" under this process. In this document, identify the following management elements:

1 Purpose

Reduce the number of customer complaints and reoccurrences.

2 Range

Delivery to the customer's end.

3 Responsibilities

3.1 Delivery Specialist

Customer complaint window, responsible for the start of customer complaints

3.2 Salesman

Acting as a customer representative (on behalf of the customer)

3.3 Customer vs Engineer

Responsible for investigating the reasons for the outflow and occurrence of customer complaints, correcting customer complaints, and formulating corrective and preventive measures.

4 Definitions

4.1 Sporadic Returns

4.2 Batch Return

4.3 Sporadic defects

4.4 Batch Defective

4.5 General Defects

4.6 Serious Defects

4.7 Fatal Failure


5 Content (Process)

The content part needs to write down the process of customer complaint processing in detail, from receiving customer complaints, to confirming the effectiveness of customer complaints, to the cause investigation, to analysis and countermeasures, Lin Lin all kinds of, no more details.

6 Supporting documents

As a second-level document, the "... Procedure document "is a document that converts the quality policy of the" Quality Manual "as a first-level document into a management policy, which is often not practical, while the"... Management Measures ", the supporting document of the procedure document, is a document that converts the management policy into the implementation rules and is the operation instruction for business personnel, such as: The Quotation Management Measures under the Market Development Management Procedure may specify how to quote, track and close quotations, etc. In this example, the customer complaint procedure is a simple process that may not contain supporting documents, and the operating rules can be specified directly in the procedure document.

7 Worksheets (for example, the same below)

Complaint Registration Form

8 Record Form

Customer Complaint Handling Sheet

9 Statistical Tables

Statistical Table of Customer Complaints over the Years

10 Analysis Table

Customer Complaint Phenomenon Analysis Table

11 Books

(There is no ledger management in this process, omitted)

12 Contract

All customer quality contracts belong to this process and shall be numbered based on the document number of this process

13 Accessories


14 Authorization

In the design of the table, it should be integrated into the preparation, review and approval of the table to achieve authorization. Authorizations other than form business may be provided for in this Office, such as authorizations for the amount of a customer's claim.

15 Should know should know

If the system is regarded as law, it should be known as morality. The procurement process is the law, to be specified in the procurement process, to rely on training: shopping is moral, to be listed in the process of "should know", to rely on education. Take customer complaint management as an example, to respond to customers within 24 hours is to know should be able to, do not need to be specified in the process. The boundary between law and morality is often a trap in system writing.

16 Training Materials

Training materials related to customer complaints can be listed here, such as "How to write 8D reports" and so on.

17 External Files

Customers can store relevant documents for customer complaints here, as long as the file path is clear, no one will be missed.

18 Hand in external documents

Documents submitted to customers other than the 8D report can be stored here, such as the "Common worldwide problems in the rubber industry - Frosting phenomenon" we once submitted to customers.

19 Modification Suggestions

The process of file content picking up omissions is also the process of file content updating. Deficiencies in adequacy and suitability found in daily work can be contained here and modified when the documents are reviewed by management.

20 Continuous Improvement

Enterprise management must be documented. Management to think of writing, write to do, do remember, but the situation of the enterprise is different, many requirements, the world's top 500 enterprises can do, but we these small factories can not do it for a while. That serves as a memo to those things that cannot be done for the time being, which can be recorded in this article for implementation at an appropriate time. If you write all the requirements that can't be done now into the file, not only will you tie your hands and feet, but also will directly harm the execution culture of the enterprise.


If each process can be carefully managed in such an orderly manner, managers can manage a company from side to side and vertically to the end in an all-round and in-depth way.

  • Sales Department
  • Contact person: Manager Huang

    Tel: +86 15001891235

    Mailbox: sales@zhengcun.com.cn

  • Personnel Department
  • Contact person: Mr. Fang

    Tel: +86 15001892387

    E-mail: hr@zhengcun.com.cn


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