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Keep it simple-focus on the details

Release date:2022-07-13

Lao Tzu once said: "The difficult things in the world must be done in the easy; the great things in the world must be done in the details." No matter what you do, you must be meticulous and keep improving. However, many of us are used to it, and we don't pay enough attention to details and are not strict enough with ourselves. And I am such a person. Fortunately, I have met people who guide me to do things well and have strict requirements for the work. What I remember most is the design discussion of the template of the "Level 3 Document Work Instructions".

  1. After designing the template of "Secondary Vulcanization Work Instructions", when I submitted it for approval, it was returned for revision because it was inconsistent with other work instruction templates. To correct the reason, the lack of information communication with colleagues leads to a waste of time and energy.1657690825642565.png

  2. The secondary vulcanization process parameters, because there are 4 processes, I designed 4 forms, which were considered too cumbersome and required to be returned for revision.1657690876336454.png

    Under the guidance of the superior, because of the characteristics of the rubber compound, it is simplified into a clear table by simplifying the complexity:1657690911741856.png

  3. The operation template of the homework instruction book, I have not been able to fully understand the meaning of the superior leadership, the superior took the trouble, personally instructed me, helped me clarify my thinking and design the template.1657690956885531.jpg

I also finally understood, redesigned the template:1657690984650229.png

In addition, there are many corrections and improvements in detail:

The temperature unit is only °C, not - °C. It is this kind of small correction, which will prevent me from making similar mistakes in my future work.6.png

Improvements to the operation instruction picture:1657691070434180.png

After many revisions, the template of "Post-processing Operation Instructions" was finally finalized. Reflecting on my work, it is because of my imperfect thinking, lack of attention to details, and failure to do things well at one time, which not only wastes a lot of time and energy, but also makes myself feel discouraged.

It can be seen that only by paying attention to details, thinking big, starting small, and doing things meticulously can we achieve success.

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